
Dr. Hensel is a stone scientist and stone specialist with in-depth knowledge and experience in many fields of science. 

Since graduating with first class Honours and a Ph.D  he has worked exclusively as a consultant domestically and internationally providing expert geoscientific advice on geological, petrographic, engineering, scientific, and mining problems to geotechnical companies, architects, builders, construction managers, project managers, stone processing and quarrying companies, stockbrokers, domestic and international banks, governments and government institutions, research organizations, other consultants, and mining companies. 

He believes that having the necessary, highly trained scientific and geotechnical background is essential to a better understanding of the performance characteristics and behaviour of stone.  So too, is the experience gained in working with stone especially its quarrying and processing.  Owning and managing several quarries he still makes time to physically quarry granite. 

Much of his work now involves stone selection and testing of stone for construction.  Large projects require careful documentation of stone characteristics, starting with quarry assessments, extractability, processing capacity, quality control and timely supply.  Architects require meaningful specifications as they relate to stone and clients require maintenance manuals for the end products. 

A majority of recent contracts are to investigate problems with stone and implementation of repair or replacement procedures.  Many aspects of stone performance, especially on heritage buildings, including methods of preservation, demand exacting research using available sophisticated scientific equipment.

Over the many years Hans-Dieter Hensel has been involved in numerous prestigious projects and is a regular contributor to stone magazines. Has been known to speak at symposia, trade shows, etc.